
Perth East Public Library is committed to being responsive to the needs of everyone who visits the library and is working hard to ensure that service is provided in an accessible manner.

Physical Accessibility at Perth East Public Library

In 2010, the Township of Perth East received infrastructure stimulus funding from the federal and provincial governments to build a new, fully accessible library at it's current location of 19 Mill Street East in Milverton, Ontario.

  • Main entrance is wheelchair accessible
  • Library consists of one floor and requires no stairs
  • There is a wheelchair accessible washroom
  • Public computer stations are wheelchair accessible
  • One of our computers has a large print keyboard

Library Collections for People with Disabilities

Audiobook CDs

There is an extensive collection of audiobooks on cd. These are available for borrowing for listening either on your computer or personal cd player.

CELA Audiobooks

Perth East Public Library supports its CELA clients by ordering CELA audiobooks for use on DAISY players. The library has a DAISY player available for borrowing by CELA clients.

Downloadable Audiobooks and eBooks

Thousands of digital books for reading or for listening are available through the Libby app.

Braille Books

Perth East has a growing collection of braille books for children and more braille books can be found in PCIN.

Large Print

Library patrons can access a variety of Large Print titles by searching the catalogue or by asking a staff member for assistance.

Homebound Delivery

This no charge service brings Library materials to your in your home. It is primarily used by people who are homebound due to illness, age, or disability. Our Homebound Delivery page.

Accessible Customer Service

Perth East Public Library will promote accessibility through policies, practices and procedures that consider people with disabilities.

Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure the following:

  • Library services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
  • The provision of Library services to persons with disabilities will be integrated unless an alternate measure is necessary, whether temporarily or permanently, to enable a person with a disability to obtain, use or benefit from the services.
  • Communication with persons with disabilities will be conducted in ways that take into account their disability.
  • Persons with disabilities may use assistive devices and/or support persons and/or service animals in the access of Library services.
  • Providing alternate text on all website images and in the process to providing alternate text on social media.


Perth East Public Library welcomes input from the public to help identify ways in which we can improve accessibility in collection, programs, services and spaces.

Members of the public are encouraged to share their comments or suggestions by contacting:

Laura Bere: or by phone 519-595-8395 or through our online feedback form.